Gods Fill The Gaps

by Sherri Taylor on September 27, 2022

God Fills the Gaps

I’m seeing how God is allowing my daughter as a young adult to meet people who are helping her in areas that I missed…  Many times as a parent, we strive to be perfect parents.  We want to do everything right when it comes to raising our children.  We want to make sure we don’t miss anything.  But the truth is we will miss something and many times we will not get it right.  We are in this flesh. We are not a perfect people.  We have limitations.  But the good thing about God is that He has no limitations and he said in His Word that He will make our crooked paths straight. (Isaiah 45:2)  Whatever we miss or mess up on, he will make right.  That is what I am seeing him do now in my daughter’s life. She is learning things that I missed and failed to teach her from others.  Don’t we serve a GREAT GOD!  

Going forward you need to fully trust God!  Don’t be down on yourself because you didn’t do things right all the time, you made wrong choices concerning your child, or you missed teaching a few lessons.  At the end of the day, I want to be able to say “I did the best I could with the knowledge I had, my ability, and my limitations.”  And maybe some of you feel that you knew better and could have done better.  That may be the case.  But it’s ok.  The Word of God says, there is therefore no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:1).  It also says, If you confess your sins, He is faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).  I want to encourage you today to confess and admit to any sin or shortcoming when it comes to your children and God will not only forgive you, but cleanse you.  That’s good news!  That means he won't leave you the same!  You know the song “You thought I was worth keeping, so you cleaned me up inside…”  Yes He will help you do and be better for your children and grandchildren!  

Sherri Taylor


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