“Your mind is the doorway and entrance into your thought life.”
You might say, “I know that.” But yet, there are many people who don't, and for many years, I can honestly say, I was one of them! Do you know, that I went to church Sunday after Sunday, but I never heard a preacher tell me that my thoughts had anything to do with my life?
No one ever told me that if I was presented with a thought that wasn't correct, or that was contrary to the will of God for my life, I didn't have to keep entertaining it, but I could put a stop to it. I didn't know that!
I was never made aware that God Almighty had made me the gatekeeper of my mind and that I was responsible for what I let in or kept out of my thought life.
You see, no one, I mean no one ever told me that my mind could become the devil’s playground if I allowed it. I didn't know, that the mind was the battlefield, the great arena where personal victories are either won or lost. No sir; I honestly believed, for all those years, that I had to put up with whatever thoughts were invading my mind, without ever doing a thing about them. I'm telling you, I had no idea that I could even choose my own thoughts.
Then one day, I heard someone ask, “Are you aware, you will always move in the direction of your most dominant thought?” I said no, I wasn't aware of it. Well, they went on to point out to me, how critical this was; and that even the bible itself teaches us, that as a man thinks in his heart and mind, (the Hebrew says) so does he become... Bam!
The moment I heard it, I knew; that this was exactly what had happened to me. I thought, no wonder my life is such a mess. Immediately, I saw how ignorant I had been of the devil’s devices, and like the Bible says, I was definitely perishing for a lack of knowledge.
I'm telling you man, I had no clue, that God had given me my mind to serve me and not to rule me, and for me to be in control of it, rather than my mind, being in control of me. And the sad thing is, that although I had gone to church for years, no one ever told me that God had left it all up to me, to bring into captivity EVERY THOUGHT to the Obedience of Christ or better yet, bring every thought chained to the foot of Calvary.
Somehow, I thought, that God would take care of all the craziness that was going on in my mind on His Own, without me doing a thing about it, just as long as I kept Loving Jesus. Well, the truth is, I kept loving Jesus alright, but nothing ever changed, until I began binding the devil up and breaking his power over my mind.
Now here are two important truths concerning your mind that you ought to know.
Truth Number One
Listen to me, since the time you were a child, whatever you have been feeding your mind and your thought life, is what has molded you into the person you are today.
But for many years, I had no clue of that. Neither was I aware, that the spirit of your mind, which is the sum total of all your thoughts, is what created your inner mental constitution, your belief system, your moral compass, and your behavior.
And so I lived my life out of negative input, without knowing the implications of it.
Truth Number Two
The good news is that it didn't take long, before I began to see that the enemy’s main attack was against my mind, and that it was all up to me, to learn to do something about it. Let me tell you, at first, when I didn't know any better, it almost seemed impossible. Cause the truth is, his attacks on my mind were relentless! For example, I remember being attacked daily with constant thoughts of discouragement and fear. Then at other times it was severe thoughts of despair, and depression. But his all-time favorite, was always the thought of giving up. Cause he knew, that if he had succeeded in getting me to give up then, I would not be here today, having and enjoying this amazing life that God has so graciously given me, and I would not be doing all of the incredible things that God has graced me and privileged me to do so far, and the BEST IS YET TO COME!
(Expert for The M&M's of Life by Pastor Jason Alvarez)